Motor Club

Hello and welcome to Motor Club. Motor Club is a company that makes it as easy as possible to own a classic car. Motor Club will continue to strive to add new vehicles to our fleet and make it easy to own your dream ride.

As one of the first companies in the industry to offer leasing options. We want our customers to be able to switch comparable models as they choose. We see real value for our customers to have a low payment and a hassle free experience. We will offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee with every vehicle.

Motor Club is also a repair shop and complete kit car builder. We’re a one stop shop for any one of our models as well as custom fabrications. Our competitors can’t compete because most will charge more as they don’t build the vehicles themselves.  We will continue to add new vehicles based on customer feedback. We offer franchise options as well as free shipping nationwide.

Thanks for parking for a bit.

Our lineup includes the models below. We’ll continue to add new vehicles and inform you with any upgrades.

  • Jeep-ish COMING SOON